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Apply Coupon Code FEB30 at checkout to receive 30% off any package you desire in February. All packages are honored for a lifetime and can be shared with others!
Buy 6 hours and we will give you 4 more hours FREE!
Get ready for an innovative and exciting experience with EES Austin. We're bringing you the latest technology and top-notch service. Contact Denise to get signed up to receive weekly remote healing sessions.
This revolutionary technology, developed over 20 years ago by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, PhD, DNM, DCSJI, uses custom installed computers that generate bio-active energy fields called “scalar waves.” These promote wellness for cell rejuvenation, improved immune function, pain relief, detoxification, elevated mood and balancing the right and left-brain hemispheres for increased energy levels. Ultimately, it recharges the cells which helps facilitate an optimal healing environment that can assist the body in healing itself.
When you spend 12 hours in coherent energy, your body will respond by functioning optimally! Dermot experienced a reduction in his PSA level drop from 9.51 to 6.0 (below 4 is normal) after 40 hours of EES in a 2 month period!
For 1 person, half price for only $250. Use Coupon Code ON250 (see blue button below). Remember to click "Apply" to reduce the fee from $500 to $250.
For 2 or more people, each of you will only pay $200. Get your own group together or we will find others to share the overnight. Have the greatest night you can imagine when all the cells in your body rise up to their highest healing potential ever!
Overnight sessions begin at 8:00 pm and end at 8:00 am except for Tuesday evenings which begin at 9:00 pm. Please click on and download the Overnight info from our FORMS page. Complete the form and drop it by the Center or forward to us through email to
After purchasing your overnight session, call (512) 800 - 2279 to schedule
Kent now as full movement of his arms after 7 years of restriction!
Gabriel could hardly get out of bed in the morning before his session!
Tony Robbins shares many of the modern healing and transformational cutting-edge technologies as well as what he has experienced with the Energy Enhancement System. Listen to what is being described as a true miracle!
Faster than the speed of light - quantum scalar particles are infused with bio-photonics to stimulate wellness on all levels!
What happens when the cells of your body are introduced into the EES cohesive environment? They thrive like never before!
Tree of Life Urban Retreat Center - 312 W Stassney Ln, Austin, TX 78745 512-800-2279
"I am cancer free"
Ray Meadows tells his story of how after EES, his life has a new bright future!
Quite a MIRACLE!!!
Michael Scalar, son of Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and CEO of the EE System gives you a deep dive into the science behind the technology in this 12-minute video clip.
Dr Sandra Rose Michael shares that NASA scientists have demonstrated how damaged DNA has been repaired through the EE System technology and more!
Your body can come back to a balanced and healthy state when it is given a chance in a balanced environment. The EES provides a balanced environment and stimulates the body to repair itself.
Physical Preparation.
Urinary Tract. Make sure you are fully hydrated. Dr. Michael suggests drinking as much as a gallon of water the day leading up to your session. The EES stimulates toxins to be released into your bloodstream that have been embedded in your cells. It is very important to be able to flush these toxins from your body by taking a salt, borax, baking soda bath afterwards (described below) to release all the chemicals, proteins, and toxins released following each session.
Bowel Preparation.
Make sure you are having regular bowel movements before you receive sessions. It is critical that you are able to release all the toxins through your digestive track as well as through the pores of your skin. If you are not regular, we suggest you seek a professional to assist you with a herbal colon cleanse. Another good method to clear out your large intestines is to receive a professional colonic cleanse(s) prior to your EES sessions to ensure you are able to properly release toxins.
Mental & Emotional Preparation.
In addition to preparing the body, it is equally important to prepare your mind and emotions for the EES infusion. Spend some time leading up to your session by making a list of what areas of your body you want to heal. Use proactive statements to give the EES direction. For example, instead of identifying that you want to get rid of arthritis, create a declaration statement such as "I want greater flexibility in my joints."
Guided Imagery.
Guided imagery using visualization has been found to be very effective for assisting in the healing process. Many online tools exist that provide specific visualizations for various disorders. Some guided imageries utilize the Schumann Resonance frequencies. Denise Rodgers is a HypnoTherapist and is very experienced in creating a custom-designed guided imagery recording that focuses on healing your specific illness. Contact Denise directly to order your recording that can be listened to with your smart phone ear buds.
Add 2 cups sea salt, 2 cups of baking soda and 1 cup of 20 borax laundry cleaner. After soaking 20-30 minutes, scrub thoroughly and rinse off. Note the formula makes the tub very slippery, so exercise caution when exiting the tub. Do not be alarmed if you see discoloration in your bath water, it is an indication of the many toxins you are releasing. Some people are able to use a black light to see the various toxins that have exited the body, some of which have fluorescent properties. Many people who have not used this sea salt bath will have flu-type symptoms the next day.
Top geneticists at Baylor University found that the EE System technology was repairing the damage and breaks in human DNA while lengthening telomeres. Research suggests that preserving telomere length has the potential to prevent and treat diseases associated with aging and possibly allow humans to increase their longevity beyond the current theoretical maximum of 125 years.
Dr. Glenn Ryan, a Stanford-Harvard biophysicist, conducted laboratory testing using human DNA while wearing EES scalar energy medallions and showed that the electrical conductivity of their DNA increased by 28%.
Many veterans have reported the EES to be very effective for treating PTSD and other types of chronic anxiety and depression. Our center allows Veterans to have a free 2-hour EES session each month. These must be booked in advance. After your free 2 hours, Veterans will be able to to buy additional hours and we will match. So if you purchase 4 hours, we will give you 4 hours. It is also reported that pets have benefited from EES sessions. See the EES and Unifyd websites for testimonials. Pet sessions are by advance booking by calling EES at 512-800-2279. Pets must be in a crate or small enough to hold in your lap quietly.
Quotes from Dr. Michael about EESystem Studies show breaks in human DNA are being repaired while lengthening telomeres. Research suggests that preserving telomere length increases longevity!
Dr. Glenn Ryan, a Stanford-Harvard biophysicist, conducted laboratory testing using human DNA while they wore EES scalar energy medallions showed that the electrical conductivity of their DNA increased by 28%.
The EE System is not a medical device. The EE System Technology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any illness. No guarantees expressed or implied are made about the efficacy of the technology. Results may vary between individuals. Information and statements made available to you about the system are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. This disclaimer also applies to all additional products and services provided by EES Austin, including written information, labels, brochures, and flyers, as well as any information provided orally or by any other medium of communication. Medical advice must be obtained only from your own qualified health care practitioners. The EE System Technology and EES Austin, its owners, agents and employees, do not dispense medical advice nor prescribe medical treatments or diagnose illnesses. The views and advice expressed by the EE System Technology licensor and EES Austin are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical services.